VALENCIAVALENCIA.COM - Valencia City Guide and Travel / Tourist Information

Getting Around Valencia

For more detailed information on different kinds of Transport in Valencia, see Travel to/in Valencia.


Providing your hotel is conveniently located, you can see most of Valencia by walking. It is always the preferred way of seeing the city and very easy in Valencia - 95% of the sights you will want to see will be within walking distance, since there aren't many outside the centre. The centre is much easier done by foot than on any kind of transport (bar bicycle) and much more enjoyable too. To give you an idea: to cross the centre in a straight line won't take more than 40 minutes and if you look at the map you will see how much there is to see.

It doesn't make much sense to not walk to and within L'Example either, unless you are coming from the other side of the centre. Canovas can be reached within 20-30 minutes from Plaza del Ayntamento.

Bus and Metro

It only makes sense to use transport if you:

  • come from a far situated hotel - use bus or metro
  • go to the beach - use bus or metro
  • go to the zona universitaria - use bus or metro
  • go to the City of Arts and Sciences from much further than Glorieta - use bus

For most of these metro will be available and it is a better choice than bus.


Bicycle rent is very popular with tourists in Valencia. Valencia is entirely flat and not too spread out. If you get around on the bicycle you have the best of both worlds - getting around fast enough and far enough without tiring too much and being able to stop wherever you want and appreciate the view.

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